Topic 2 – Reflective Summary

After reading various blog posts, I understand that this topic covered a variety of issues relating to online identity: anonymity and authenticity, presentation and reputation, our online and offline identity, privacy and security and finally identity protection.

Constance’s post had pointed out that other factors such as objectives and motivations should be taken into consideration to whether creating multiple online identities should be a concern or not. If you create multiple online identities for ill-intended purposes for example, “cat fishing”, then definitely it is a bad thing to have multiple online identities. Her embed video has also shown how vulnerable we can be online, as such, one should always think twice in what should be shared online.

Jasmine’s post debated on the anonymity and authenticity of online identity. In one of her videos (Henry’s story) she listed, it has broaden my perspective of to what extend can we control who we are online and to what extend are we bound by who we are in the real world. In the video, Henry choose not to disclose his age to refrain from being judged as an immature kid which is perfectly alright. However, it can be a problem if you’re constantly worrying about being judged because that is when I believe people start to lose their true identity to please their social circle with the increasing need for acceptance.

With that being said, I regard managing online identity as a skill, which is why we are having this module to learn how to manage our online identities in a professional way. Rather than focusing on the pros and cons of having more than one online identity, I think we should educate more people on how to manipulate the web positively and be accountable for their online identities. After all, we are all responsible for our own actions.

Overall, I felt this topic was interesting and I look forward to the next.

(320 words)

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